TEH 226: AI cheaters? Apple Intelligence? Do you need a new friend? And… Stay off my lawn!

In This Episode: AI cheaters? Apple Intelligence? Do you need a new friend? And… Stay off my lawn!

This week the TEH Podcast is hosted by Leo Notenboom, the “Chief Question Answerer” at Ask Leo!, and Gary Rosenzweig, the host and producer of MacMost, and mobile game developer at Clever Media.

(You’ll find longer Bios on the Hosts page.)

Top Stories

  • 1:35 LN: AI & plagiarism
    • Via AI Fix podcast, episode 9.
    • Instructor assigns essay to be written. The instructor then takes each essay, gives it to ChatGPT, and asks “is this AI generated?” 100% of the time: the answer comes back “yes”. Instructor then chastises class. 
    • Hilarity ensues. Students are… back atcha!
    • 8:00 Discussed before: a growing problem. The solution will be out of the box.
  • 21:00 GR: Apple Intelligence, first look at Mac version.
  • 30:00 Using AI
  • 35:00 GR: Friend… texting yourself? https://www.friend.com/product.html
  • 47:00 GR: Create your own AI ChatBot in … Instagram? https://aistudio.instagram.com

Get off my lawn! (an occasional, as-needed, segment)

  • 52:30 LN: are extra syllables really that hard?
  • 54:20 GR: is spell check that hard? (referring to Reddit posts, mostly)

Ain’t it Cool

BSP: Blatant Self-Promotion

4 Comments on “TEH 226: AI cheaters? Apple Intelligence? Do you need a new friend? And… Stay off my lawn!

  1. 100% AI, not improbable. I once assigned a writing assignment and out of 35 students, all but 3 had plagiarized the paper. I used Google when they only accepted 10 words at a time so I googled the first 10 words and that caught most of the plagiarized works. If I didn’t get a hit, I googled the next 10 words. I graded one paper an A+ because it was excellent and Google didn’t bring his paper up. I caught him because another student had plagiarized the same article. He had me fooled at first because he did a good job of putting in enough grammar and spelling mistakes,


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