A chronological list of all episodes of TEH. You can stream (or download) each episode from its linked Show Page:
- TEH 240: App Turmoil. A.I., Tiktok, App stores and censorship. Should we worry? - App Turmoil. A.I., Tiktok, App stores and censorship. Should we worry?
- TEH 239: January Surprises: TikTok Ban, Media Shifts, and Independent Journalism Trends - January's Surprises: TikTok Ban, Media Shifts, and Independent Journalism Trends
- TEH 238: Facebook Fact Checking. New displays. AI in Housing. - Facebook Fact Checking. New displays. AI in Housing.
- TEH 237: Misinformation Madness: Debunking Viral Tech Myths from TikTok to iPhones - Misinformation Madness: Debunking Viral Tech Myths from TikTok to iPhones
- TEH 236: Is Google stealing content? New Social Media. Bomb Cyclone and connectivity. Is privacy a myth? - Is Google stealing content? New Social Media. Bomb Cyclone and connectivity. Is privacy a myth?
- TEH 235: ChatGPT Searches, Digital License Plates, and Social Media Trends - ChatGPT Searches, Digital License Plates, and Social Media Trends
- TEH 234: Apple’s New Macs and Minis. Perplexing conundrums with perplexity.ai, and Social Media Misinformation - Apple’s New Macs and Minis. Perplexing conundrums with perplexity.ai, and Social Media Misinformation
- TEH 233: Catching rockets out of the air. WordPress feud. Archive.org disaster. - Catching rockets out of the air. Wordpress feud. Archive.org disaster.
- TEH 232: When tech shuts down. Fancy locks. Prime day. Name salad. - When tech shuts down. Fancy locks. Prime day. Name salad.
- TEH 231: Podcast AI. Future of search. Passkey resistance. - Podcast AI. Future of search. Passkey resistance.
- TEH 230: Apple buttons. Are AirPods hearing aids now? Windows force-upgrade. - Apple buttons. Are AirPods hearing aids now? Windows force-upgrade.
- TEH 229: Mediocre rumors. AI bubble. Amazing cameras and more. - Mediocre rumors. AI bubble. Amazing cameras and more.
- TEH 228: Wordstar still exists, Google Pixel, AI movies? A little mini? - Wordstar still exists, Google Pixel, AI movies? A little mini?
- TEH 227: Friend, Azure and Google news. What’s wrong with search? - Friend, Azure and Google news. What's wrong with search?
- TEH 226: AI cheaters? Apple Intelligence? Do you need a new friend? And… Stay off my lawn! - https://media.blubrry.com/tehpodcast/content.blubrry.com/tehpodcast/TEH226.mp3
- TEH 225: Crowdstrike. Can laptops change? Would you like a third thumb? - Crowdstrike. Can laptops change? Would you like a third thumb?
- TEH 224: What is being forced on us? Can A.I. help education? Website ads. - In This Episode: What is being forced on us? Can A.I. help education? Website ads.
- TEH 223: Apple Intelligence? New OS features. A smarter Siri? And of course… privacy. - Apple Intelligence? New OS features. A smarter Siri? And of course... privacy.
- TEH 222: Can they see you? AI and screenshots. Search engine agendas. - Can they see you? AI and screenshots. Search engine agendas.
- TEH 221: Comparing PCs and Macs. AI in your OS? Or AI teachers? - Comparing PCs and Macs. AI in your OS? Or AI teachers?
- TEH 220: Lots of AI. Software is art. iPad conundrum. - In This Episode: Lots of AI. Software is art. iPad conundrum.
- TEH 219: Travel tech, moon photos, reformating and an AI reading experiment. - Travel tech, moon photos, reformating and an AI reading experiment.
- TEH 218: Eclipse, Pay with palm, Discord chatting, Pins that are not quite Star Trek. - Eclipse, Pay with palm, Discord chatting, Pins that are not quite Star Trek.
- TEH 217: Saved by a Car app. Four hour work week? Apple Vision Pro still great! - Saved by a Car app. Four hour work week? Apple Vision Pro still great!
- TEH 216: AI everywhere. Sideways Moon Landing. Computer Screens that wrap, see through, and more. - AI everywhere. Sideways Moon Landing. Computer Screens that wrap, see through, and more.
- TEH 215: Meeting photos. Is the future finally here? All the Tech that works. - Meeting photos. Is the future finally here? All the Tech that works.
- TEH 214: Apple Vision Pro. Apple Vision Pro and Apple Vision Pro. - Apple Vision Pro. Apple Vision Pro and Apple Vision Pro.
- TEH 213: Apple Protection and Vision Pro, AI is faking it. And yes, Taylor Swift. - Apple Protection and Vision Pro, AI is faking it. And yes, Taylor Swift.
- TEH 212: Apple woes, Vision Pro, Netflix History. Sorting data with ChatGPT. - Apple woes, Vision Pro, Netflix History. Sorting data with ChatGPT.
- TEH 211: SSD life, Server issues, AI copyright, Finding People - SSD life, Server issues, AI copyright, Finding People
- TEH 210: Tech divide, new and old. Practical AI. Search engines. Future of programming. - Tech divide, new and old. Practical AI. Search engines. Future of programming.
- TEH 209: AI poisoning, YouTube privacy consequences, Vigilante apps, The Beatles - AI poisoning, YouTube privacy consequences, Vigilante apps, The Beatles
- TEH 208: Apple Computer models. Local AI vs. Cloud Servers. Creative ChatGPT and surveillance. - Apple Computer models. Local AI vs. Cloud Servers. Creative ChatPT and surveillance.
- TEH 207: The gang is back! Residential cruise ships. All those cables. And More AI. - In This Episode: The gang is back! Residential cruise ships. All those cables. And More AI.
- TEH 206: AI is smart and dumb. Robots can be cute. And Passkeys. - AI is smart and dumb. Robots can be cute. And Pass keys.
- TEH 205: Hyper-Personalization. Air tag tracking. Zoom’s AI Assistant. - Leo and Gary talk about the concept of hyper personalization and its impact on technology, as well as the challenges of adding options and settings in software design. They briefly mention the idea of using an air tag for tracking a vehicle. They also discuss the use of AI companion for generating meeting transcripts and the ability to have voice conversations with Chat GPT.
- TEH 204: Encryption back doors, iPhone annoyances, Car play and cameras - Encryption back doors, iPhone annoyances, Car play and cameras
- TEH 203: Apple announcements. Is computer sharing back? AI’s news for today. - Apple announcements. Is computer sharing back? AI's news for today.
- TEH 202: Burning man mud, so much social media, new iPhone? - Burning man mud, so much social media, new iPhone?
- TEH 201: Privacy and Paranoia - Privacy and Paranoia
- TEH 200: Two Hundred Episodes, Listening to your keyboard? Facial Recognition, Vocabulary Helps. - Two Hundred Episodes, Listening to your keyboard? Facial Recognition, Vocabulary Helps.
- TEH 199: Apple Pay, Threads, X, Writer’s Strike, Cheap VOIP - Apple Pay, Threads, X, Writer's Strike, Cheap VOIP
- TEH 198: Threads launch. How they all integrate. Who is going to win? - Threads launch. How they all integrate. Who is going to win?
- TEH 197: Game controllers, Retro games, Electric vehicles unite, Big disks - Game controllers, Retro games, Electric vehicles unite, Big disks
- TEH 196: Reddit again. Voice assistants. Energy from air and flying cars. - In This Episode:
- TEH 195: Apple goggles, Sonoma, and more announced. Reddit protests - Apple goggles, Sonoma and more announced. Reddit protests
- TEH 194: Airships, Mac rumors, Generative Fill, Trouble with clocks that have little birds. - Airships, Mac rumors, Generative Fill, Trouble with clocks that have little birds.
- TEH 193: Apple voice simulation. Passwords in the future. Fake explosions and ordering a hamburger. - Apple voice simulation. Passwords in the future. Fake explosions and ordering a hamburger.
- TEH 192: Where does the light switch signal go? More AI. Secure passwords… again. - Where does the light switch signal go? More AI. Secure passwords... again.
- TEH 191: Smart homes, Blocking Utah, AirTags, Anniversary and picking locks. - Smart homes, Blocking Utah, AirTags, Anniversary and picking locks.
- TEH 190: Zippy internet. ChatGPT can’t do math? Authenticators, and broken school laptops. - Zippy internet. ChatGPT can’t do math? Authenticators, and broken school laptops.
- TEH 189: Internet Woes, Social Media what now? and Planetary Slingshots - Internet Woes, Social Media what now? and Planetary Slingshots
- TEH 188: Virtual Machines, Complaining about complaining, the Future & Buffy. - Virtual Machines, Complaining about complaining, the Future & Buffy.
- TEH 187: Pretend voices for good or evil. VOIP can do anything. - Pretend voices for good or evil. VOIP can do anything.
- TEH 186: Why Free software. Watch-And-Grab iPhone Theft. - Why Free software. Watch-And-Grab iPhone Theft.
- TEH 185: AI and Jobs… Can everything get better? - AI and jobs... Can everything get better?
- TEH 184: New search – Is AI a smart Bard or stealing content? - New search - Is AI a smart Bard or stealing content?
- TEH 183: Is History Old? Being Platform Agnostic, How AI Gets smart - Is History Old? Being Platform Agnostic, How AI Gets smart
- TEH 182: Programming again. Mac touch screen and Virtual Reality. Security and You. - Programming again. Mac touch screen and Virtual Reality. Security and You.
- TEH 181: Lastpass again. CES not so much. Future of Search. - Lastpass again. CES not so much. Future of Search.
- TEH 180: Predictions for 2023 - Predictions for 2023
- TEH 179: Recap of 2022, Wordle, Shorts, Starlink, Social Media, Space & Security - Recap of 2022, Wordle, Shorts, Starlink, Social Media, Space & Security
- TEH 178: Software changes, A.I. with no humor. Subscriptions good or bad? - Software changes, A.I. with no humor. Subscriptions good or bad?
- TEH 177: A.I. gives answers, Google scrolling, online support - A.I. gives answers, Google scrolling, online support
- TEH 176: Updates good and bad, social media gone bad, and those tips… - Updates good and bad, social media gone bad, and those tips
- TEH 175: What’s with the plugs? Video software. - What's with the plugs? Video software.
- TEH 174: Twitter, more Twitter and Apple Updates - Twitter, more Twitter and Apple Updates
- TEH 173: Travel and Travel Tech - Travel and Travel Tech
- TEH 172: iPhones and satellites, cameras, Alexa poop, Speech to text and translations - iPhones and satellites, cameras, Alexa poop, Speech to text and translations
- TEH 171: TikTok Success, Troll Comments, Bootcamp and AI Artists - TikTok success, troll comments, Bootcamp and AI Artists
- TEH 170: LastPass headlines, Phishing, Credit Cards, Windows on a Mac - LastPass headlines, Phishing, Credit Cards, Windows on a Mac
- TEH 169: Accessing accounts while traveling, encryption, and vulnerabilities. - Accessing accounts while traveling, encryption, and vulnerabilities.
- TEH 168: Travel Tech in the EU - Travel Tech in the EU
- TEH 167: Period apps, Complexity of Tech, Is Musk a Twit? - Period apps, Complexity of Tech, Is Musk a Twit?
- TEH 166: AI. Is it alive? - AI. Is it alive?
- TEH 165: Telegram. New Mac upgrades, All the new features. - Telegram. New Mac upgrades, All the new features.
- TEH 164: Tech camping, Insecure Apps, Wiki News - Tech camping, Insecure Apps, Wiki News
- TEH 163: New social media? Traveling tech disasters. Check your Two Factor. - TEH 163: New social media? Traveling tech disasters. Check your Two Factor.
- TEH 162: Twitter take over - Twitter take over
- TEH 161: Solving privacy, Space Station Angles - Solving privacy, Space Station Angles
- TEH 160: Ukraine tech, new iPad, new Mac, RAM, Disk sizes and useful aps. - Ukraine tech, new iPad, new Mac, RAM, Disk sizes and useful aps.
- TEH 159: SSDs, Ukraine’s internet, Podcasts come into their own, streaming, Kaspersky, and Transcriptions. - SSDs, Ukraine's internet, Podcasts come into their own, streaming movies, Kaspersky, and Transcriptions.
- TEH 158: New Macs from Apple, Transcriptions and Computer Voices - New Macs from Apple, Transcriptions and Computer Voices.
- TEH 157: Ukrain tech, live streaming, financial issues, coders and Social Media. - Ukrain tech, live streaming, financial issues, coders and Social Media.
- TEH 156: Music and MP3s. Lost iPhones. Recording software adventures. - Music and MP3s. Lost iPhones. Recording software adventures.
- TEH 155: Ranting on spam, Return to Streaming Music, and NFTs - Ranting on spam, Return to Streaming Music, and NFTs
- TEH 154: Spotify tech. Can we balance stories? Censorship, audio quality and payment. Wordle Shoulda’s. - Spotify tech. Can we balance stories? Censorship, audio quality and payment. Wordle Shoulda's.
- TEH 153: Addictive lights, Alexa and Siri battles, Falling planes, Blizzard and Metaverse - Addictive lights, Alexa and Siri battles, falling planes, Blizzard and Metaverse
- TEH 152: Fires, TV dilemma, Y2K again, Launching Games, Covid app fails. - Fires, TV dilemma, Y2K again, Launching Games, Covid app fails
- TEH 151: Is NFT an opportunity or a scam? From Magic public keys to digital Beanie Babies. - Is NFT an opportunity or a scam? From Magic public keys to digital Beanie Babies.
- TEH 150: Unmagic numbers, Televisions, Universal controls, Unused innovations, Elon love/hate - Unmagic numbers, televisions, Universal controls, Unused innovations, Elon love/hate
- TEH 149: Painting Windows, Get a job hackers! AWS outage, Security camera tech - Painting Windows, Get a job hackers! AWS outage, Security camera tech
- TEH 148: Updates on updates, Imagining virtual reality, Science and journalism - Updates on updates, Imagining virtual reality, Science and journalism
- TEH 147: Tech updates continue, weird conferences and Metaverse games - Tech updates continue, weird conferences and Metaverse games
- TEH 146: Believe the smart people, new OS, broken computers and smaller wallets - New Apple OS, Broken computers, Smaller Wallets, Two factor authentication... believe the smart people.
- TEH 145: New Apple announcements to things that just don’t work. - From new Apple announcements to things that just don't work.
- TEH 144: Upgrade to Win 11? Yes? No? - Upgrade to Win 11? Yes? No?
- TEH 143: Apple’s new geekiness, Windows TPM, advances in security - Apple's new geekiness, Windows TPM, advances in security
- TEH 142: How do we produce so much content? (the secrets) - How do we produce so much content? (the secrets)
- TEH 141: Backups, archives and possibly Pluto - Backups, archives and possibly Pluto
- TEH 140: From beds to routers (with ransom attacks in between) - From beds to routers (with ransom attacks in between)
- TEH 139: Summer travels, tech in the Olympics, Apple controversy and Windows 365 - Summer travels, tech in the Olympics, Apple controvercy and Windows 365
- TEH 138: Summer musings, Space and Algorithms - Summer musings, Space and Algorithms
- Not going away… - Not going away...
- TEH 137: Free? Why and why not? - Free? Why and why not?
- TEH 136: Updates and bugs are more complicated than you think - Updates and bugs are more complicated than you think
- TEH 135: What do we really own? Has tech changed it? - What do we really own? Has tech changed it?
- TEH 134: Ransomware, Pipelines and Tech - Ransomware, Pipelines and Tech
- TEH 133: Software subscriptions – good or bad? - What about those software subscriptions? How they do good, how they drive us crazy.
- TEH 132: What’s new with Apple… chips, screens, trackers. - What's new with Apple... chips, screens, trackers.
- TEH 131: Spammers are Phishing for you! - When spammers are out phishing, they are phishing for you!
- TEH 130: Adventure Time! Dealing with Change - Dealing with change and making it an adventure.
- TEH 129: Bitcoins – Enthusiastic Tech Take on Crypto Currency - Bitcoins - Enthusuastic Tech Take on Crypto Currency
- TEH 128: How (and why) a bookstore took down a controversial website. - How (and why) a bookstore took down a controversial website.
- TEH 127: Gary’s Origin Story - Gary's Origin Story
- TEH 126: Leo’s Origin Story - Leo's Origin Story: from Geeky to Microsoft to Ask Leo!
- TEH 125: The Practical Guide To VPNs - The Practical Guide To VPNs: What is it? Should you? Shouldn't you? What else you can do.
- TEH 124: Cool future gadgets out now at CES, good reading and board games. - Cool future gadgets out now at CES, good reading and board games.
- TEH 123: Forgot space! Tech supply chain. RIP to Flash. Karate and Roku. - Forgot space! Big hack. Taking the supply chain for granted. RIP to Flash. How many websites are enough? Karate and Roku.
- TEH 122: How well tech worked, Vaccine technology, Science is trending, Gargoles, Chip revolutions and Predictions - How well tech worked in 2020 (despite), Tech infrastructure got here just in time. Vaccine technology meets the times. Data measures truth. Science is trending. Giving and gargoles. Computing chip revolution. Predictions for 2021.
- TEH 121: Apple delivers, battery life, Google’s memory glitch, privacy panic, security vs. privacy, free pdf and recording tips. - Apple delivers quickly, happy battery life, Google's memory glitch, privacy panic, security vs. privacy, free pdf and recording tips.
- TEH 120: Launches and crashes, expensive headphones, back to a Macbook Air, battery life and techie childhood memories - Tech launches and crashes, expensive headphones that work on planes (if we could go), back to a Macbook Air, appreciating battery life and techie childhood memories.
- TEH 119: Thanksgiving(ish) edition, Social Media competition, Space Odyssey in the desert, and going from telegraph to Zoom - Social media features compete, how to find your thing, Space Odyssey in the desert, evolution of communication from telegraph to Zoom, pretty Newsletter and wait for that Mac.
- TEH 118: Zippy new Mac, SpaceX launches with Baby Yoda, Pharmacy takeovers, after Covid and young politics. - Zippy new Mac, SpaceX launches with Baby Yoda, Pharmacy takeovers, after Covid and young politics.
- TEH 117: New Mac coming! Recording tech tricks, re-reading science fiction, and Tiktok. - New Apple chips, high power and high efficiency, adventures in recording, software matters, re-reading science fiction (yep, it was sexist), changing passwords and Tiktok.
- TEH 116: Dueling disasters, updates working, fixing our homes for zooming, self driving and punctuation. - Dueling disasters. Surprise! Microsoft update just works! How will work from home change us? Fixing our homes for zooming. Even introverts are starting to miss people... reminiscent of Issac Asimov.
- TEH 115: The Social Dilemma Dilemma From the Tech Side - Social Dilemma (of course they are targeting), it's probably more boring than we think, and is there a way to create the right pressure on social media sites?
- TEH 114: Apple surprises, Prime Days, batteries, and crushing things for fun. - Apple surprises, small is good again. Comparison shopping on Prime Days. Amazon Basic is... basic. Getting and recharging batteries. A real book! (How leadership matters) and Watch things get crushed.
- TEH 113: Phone size change. Is 5G growing? Monopolies, Airpods, Power Tools and Emojis - Phone sizes change again. Is 5G growing? Monopolies, Airpods, cool Power Tools are back, Emojis (with amazing detail) and basic protection.
- TEH 112: Getting wet and staying dry, off grid adventures, new Apple releases, Grandpad tablets. - Off grid adventures, Apple announcements, keeping dry in rain and river, and creating tablets for seniors.
- TEH 111: Fires, Networks, Selling on eBay, Real-law video game battles, and cool shows - Fires, Networks, Selling on eBay, Real-law video game battles, and (of course) some cool shows.
- TEH 110: The XY Problem, Asking Good Questions, a Big Glitch and Virtual Psychotherapy. - The XY Problem. Asking the wrong question doesn't give the right answer. A Big Glitch. Streaming service interfaces. Virtual fundraising and making presentations.
- TEH 109: New Mac, updating Apps, mail in voting, browsing with your head. - New Mac, updating Apps, mail in voting, browsing with your head
- TEH 108: Terabytes in an envelope, computer values, space geeks and cartoons. - Drive speeds and new computers, exercising that order button, surprised at USB 3 speeds, 10 Terabytes in an envelope, and a good week for space geeks and cartoons.
- TEH 107: Snoopy apps, phone number paranoia, spam, online shopping competition and more fighting nuns. - Should we worry about clipboards and phone numbers? Looking at spam, online shopping competition, LastPass phishing, and more Warrior Nuns.
- TEH 106: Nesting a big house, CLICK THIS HEADLINE! cool movies and a short ad-block rant - Lunch on Zoom, surfing so good it's out to the trash cans, catastrophes that are not, alone in the wilderness (with technology), some more Nordic Noir, and some preaching about ad-blockers
- TEH 105: Microsoft vs. Apple stores. Theaters, Malls and Balloons for the future. More Pandemic shows and Post its. - Corgi legs, Microsoft and Apple stores. Theaters, Malls and Balloons in the future. Movies and shows for your Pandemic watching pleasure. Post it notes are cool.
- TEH 104: ARM chips, CamLink problems, New Games and Multiple Passwords - Apple's announcements, many innovations around the new ARM chip, CamLink not quite making the grade, playing some new games and analyzing passwords.
- TEH 103: Back and forth with Dropbox. Taming Facebook. Robot dogs, and more fun TV shows. - Back and forth with Dropbox and turning it into cloud storage. Taming Facebook. Robot dogs, and more fun TV shows.
- TEH 102: Tech terms may need a change, getting more battery life, and a new Apple processor. - Tech terminology, camera battery life, does new Apple processor really make easier easy? Science fiction and organs for entertainment.
- TEH 101: Cool rockets and TV shows, getting interrupted electronically, and wiping computers. - Spacex live was awesome! Out to dinner in the parking lot. What to watch on TV. Should we wipe a computer? And don't steal a phone.
- TEH 100: The gang is back with greenscreens, space launches and internet archiving - The gang of five is back -- prepping for space launch, playing with greenscreens, hankering over new cameras and helping archive the digital world.
- TEH 099: PTSD from yuck, no headphone jacks, techie camera adjustments, empty airports - PTSD from internet sludge, Why are they taking away headphone jacks? Techie adjustments to cameras and what about airports these days!
- TEH 098: Wrong food, space docking, radio email, crazy emojis, and more… - Getting the wrong food in every possible way, Docking in space, Email by radio, and why wrong things don't get fixed.
- TEH 097: Wi-Fi extenders, playing games and movies, setting up your video field, editing and more - Extend your WIFI to the yard, play games and meet with friends, what's going to happen with movies, setting up those cameras, and how increased bandwidth makes our lives easier.
- TEH 096: To trace or not to trace? Bad dreams, online security and Spotlight. - Contact tracing with privacy, replacing a Macbook with Google, domain controversy, online safety, and more...
- TEH 095: Poop, tracing protest domains, space launches, and video fatigue - Can poop save us? Are we tired of looking at ourselves and should we be tracing protest domains? -- what it all means for information trust.
- TEH 094: Social Zoom, location tracking, long distance sandwiches, and hopeful graphiti - Tracking viral infections on cell phones, baseball game games, spelling sports, great binge shows, and homeless in a pandemic.
- TEH 093: The Masked Bandit Version (and low-tech howling) - In This Episode: The tech world quickly upgrades to online ordering for pickup, free education and every kind of human connection. We now have talk shows without audiences to neighborhood howling.
- TEH 092: Entertainment, home connection, and changing tech (what happened to Skype?) - We talk about changing names, sharing on a Mac (or is that Sharon?), connection software, digital sharing in a time of quarantine, and copyright issues that arise.
- TEH 091: Furniture stores make masks, sharing with kids, and a break for new computers! - Furniture stores make masks, sharing with kids, and a break for new computers!
- TEH 090: Technology and Social Distancing with Pizza Delivery - Helping local businesses by frequenting restaurant takeout. How technology is keeping people in touch - with a thanks for recent increases in bandwidth! Teaching aids, good flix, and let yourself be seen.
- TEH 089: Blood and browsing connections. Tinder tells us what it’s like in China - A health crises we can fix, how technology opens up a window into life with the Corona virus, and contemplating how much dirty stuff we touch.
- TEH 088: Real Viruses and How Old Games Die - Leo speaks from the epicenter of the Corona virus outbreak and Gary tries to figure out how to archive old games that won't play without flash... and finally, bye bye Mr. Robot.
- TEH 087: Regulated chargers, microphones, and installs as easy as Apple - Scrutinizing the security of submit buttons, what Europe is doing about charging, and Win10 installs are getting as easy as Apple.
- TEH 086 – Huge drives, Bibles and Who’s Watching? - Using software to transcribe audios and look at photos; what might be coming out of your doorbell -- and how many Bibles are in "huge"?
- TEH 085: Politics, Privacy, Podcasts, and a Mythic Quest - How social media is managing miss-information online during an election year, managing the privacy of your credit card number, easy listening to podcasts, ways to watch ApppleTV and more.
- TEH 084: Caucus Ruckus - New computer and the fateful Iowa Caucus app! Show Notes: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh84
- TEH 083: Back and Better Than Ever — Edge? - We're back, just a little tweaked. Something's clearly frozen over because Edge is good now. Apple’s privacy push is actually working. 1960s Lunar Orbiter images, saved from loss, are amazing. Plus: Picard, The Innovators, and retirement accounts for kids. Show Notes: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh83
- A Brief Hiatus - Schedules are complicated, and with the holidays fast approaching we've decided to take a little break.
- TEH 082: Literally Literally Means Literally - In This Episode: Live on silicon from an Undisclosed Location in the TEH Tower! New Tesla updates in self-driving and audio streaming. How we all know each other. Windows 10X. Show Notes: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh82
- TEH 081: To Be Continued… - Kevin's new puppy. Gary's new iPhone. Apple Arcade and whether only 100 is really any different than the "top" 100. We briefly discuss a quantum computing breakthrough that maybe both true and not true. A death among Leo's acquaintances has him reminding us to make sure someone can access your accounts in case of disasters. We then go on to spend most of the episode discussing the state of streaming, the various networks we're all going to have to sign up for, and how it's a case of "be careful what you wish for". We'd never watch an 8 hour movie, but we'll happily binge watch a 10 episode streaming show. Story arc's are all the rage, so be sure to tune in next week...
- TEH 080: Now In 3D! - In This Episode: Kevin’s blowing his AV budget. Leo spent time behind the camera. Gary follows up on last week’s Apple announcement, and is eagerly awaiting a new iPhone. Netflix is losing more than just subscribers. MoviePass is no longer. People will over-react to a LastPass issue. Subscription models leads to better software.
- TEH 079: This is a Test; This is Only a Test - Thunder & lightning (very very frightening!), vintage computers in German, what to expect from the next Apple event (or not), Notepad and other apps(we hope?) moving to the Microsoft Store, Windows PowerToys, How Twitter CEO's Twitter account was hacked, Disney goes a'LARPing, and the FCC REALLY doesn't like it when you use the emergency broadcast tones.
- TEH 078: We’re All Under Constant Attack - A week with Apple Card. Discontinued vodka. 78 RPM vinyl, and the potential for laser record players. Bill Nye sells out while Mac Book sells Surface. Server security: everything connected to the internet is under constant attack (even you)! Show Notes: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh78
- TEH 077: Windows is Boring - Mr. Pick's operating system. Gary builds his own course site and gets an Apple card. Ask Leo! turns 16. The origins of "Upper Case". Ransomware strikes digital cameras? A simple cable that can hack your computer. Alan Turing gets more long overdue recognition. Windows is boring. A DMV prank backfires. "Do not swat." Show Notes: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh77
- TEH 076: Seeing is Not Believing - Adobe's AI for detecting photoshop alteration leads to a discussion on deepfake video, implications on society, and what, if anything, can be done. Elon Musk posts an awesome video of a booster return and landing. Cameras using lasers to take 3-D photos. More help in the fight against ransomware. Kevin's cleaning up cables, and Leo's cleaning up after Corgis. Show notes: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh76
- TEH 075: It’s Not a Bug, It’s a Feature! - Dogs falling of cliffs, GPS systems failing, the Zoom privacy issue that wasn't really an issue at all, different ways of recording the podcast, using AI to make it look like you're looking at the camera, Europe's GPS goes down, and some interesting GPS tracking scenarios. Show notes: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh75
- TEH 074: Look Both Ways Before You Download - Mac versus PC detente. The TV in Gary's bathroom, driven by Raspberry Pi. Living off the grid. Conspiracies live! Backing up the podcast. News sources. Sony Walkman is 40 years old. CrescentCore malware is new and trying to hide. Take precautions before crossing the street, and before downloading anything. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh74
- TEH 073: Flame-Roasted Boosters - Counterfeit books. 25 years of thinking. The (only) Tesla truck. Google calendar spam (and overblown headlines). The "cost" of Facebook privacy. Hacking JPL. Launching Falcon Heavy. And a look back at the Apollo moon missions. Show Notes: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh73
- TEH 072: Sign in with Who? - Neal Stephenson's latest. Downloading entire websites. Connectivity while travelling is getting easier. "Sign in With Apple", and the pros and cons and privacy of letting a third party like Apple (or Google, or Facebook, or Microsoft) serve as a single authentication service. Show Notes: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh72
- TEH 071: Australia – Where Today is Tomorrow - A guest from down-under. 1963 computer speech demo. Viruses as expensive art. The death of iTunes. Bad IoT things happen when clouds go down. Breach of the week - Aussie edition. Happy 10th birthday (but does anyone use?) Bing! Show Notes: https://TEHpodcast.com/71
- TEH 070: Elephant Never Forgets - New Episode: Wandering Earth. Two-factor authentication vindicated. SpaceX's recent Starlink launch and seeing the satellites. And STFUber! Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh70
- TEH 069: Rainy Days and Mondays - New Episode: SciFi, SVG, Microsoft Edge for ...Mac? Two-factor authentication does work. And can Adobe sue you for using an old version of its software? Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/69
- TEH 068: I Disagree With Your Disagreement - New Episode: Traveling with cell phones. Can politicians (legally) block people from their social media feeds? Linux coming to Windows?! And fake meat: how good is it, really? Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh68
- TEH 067: A Man Goes on a Journey, and a Stranger Comes to Town - In This Episode: Infocom on Github. Amazon and Google kiss and make up. The SpaceX "anomaly". Microsoft "loses control"?! And how to detect hidden surveillance cameras with your phone. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh67
- TEH 066: Get Your Kicks on Episode 66 - In This Episode: Facebook gives back (a little!) Domain names, Falcon Heavy, and ...CAT scan malware?! Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh66
- TEH 065: Take Me Out to the Thumb Drive - In This Episode: GPS's "Y2K" was about as eventful as Y2K (but with one interesting failure). 2001 (the movie), U2s (the plane), and tech in sports. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh65
- TEH 064: Distributed Preservation of Services Attack - In This Episode: Meet us in Denver tonight. BASIC. The Internet Archive sucks up Google+ (in a hurry!) Office Depot is busted in fraud scheme. Space junk. And will Apple News+ help, or hurt, the publishing industry? Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh64
- TEH 063: 500 Channels …$10 Each - In This Episode: Listeners invited to Meetup in Denver. Apple's big announcements. The hottest chat app for teens is.... AT&T's "5G" still isn't. Robocalls. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh63
- TEH 062: What Time Is It? - In This Episode: Who needs the Internet to send Bitcoin when you can do it via ham radio? Might twice-yearly time changes be going out ...soon? (We hope so!) Apple closing some of its stores — to fight patent trolls?! Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh62
- TEH 061: Reboot Your Boots - In This Episode: GPS's "Y2K" is coming. More on digital camera ISO settings. Ever-improving SD cards. Password-less logins. And excuse me, but your smart shoes have crashed. And no, we didn't pre-plan that ending. 🙂 Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh61
- TEH 60: Google’s Stupid and They Do Stupid Stuff - In This Episode: Several examples of Google doing absolutely incredibly stupid things, like blaming content creators for what Google itself puts into their content. Plus: AMP pages, foldable phones, and is the "ISO Rating" setting on digital cameras "fake"? Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh60
- TEH 059: One Remote to Rule Them All - In This Episode: AI is now creating realistic people. Truly universal remotes. It's now possible to get human help from Google (but yagotta pay -- a little! -- for it). It's not amazing that an old computer works. Old and moldy: autonomous cars; New and exciting: autonomous ...bicycles?! Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh59
- TEH 058: Relatively Normal to Aggressive Usage - In This Episode: Using a password vault is not enough: you need something else too.... How Randy was convinced to upgrade his computer from Win 7 Pro to Windows 10 Pro. Hard drive (the spinning kind's) reliability. That's right: USB cables can be weaponized. AT&T sued for saying its phones are "5G" now. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh58
- TEH 057: We See the Light! - In This Episode: The incredible advances in LED lighting. Come to a MeetUp with us! How to lose $137 million in cryptocurrency. Can electric airplanes help fix pilot shortages? Lookaline URLs, AI-generated spices, and Apple slaps Facebook. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh57
- TEH 056: We’re All Going to Die! (Or Live, or Whatever) - In This Episode: Super Mario 45 RPM records?! (Yes!) It's National Data Privacy Day. Should you still use 2FA to secure your logins? (Yes!) New FaceTime bug. Do you Twitch while you sleep? Samsung promises to be more environmentally aware. And the NSA is watching. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh56
- TEH 055: Stop Judging Kevin - In This Episode: This week we go to the dogs. Bulging batteries. Massive email/password breach: what to DO about it? (Not much!) Can robots "love" us? (Eh.) The end of robocalls? (Maybe!) And does "screen time" really "change kids' brains?" Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh55
- TEH 054: Level Up Your Battlestation - In This Episode: New computers, and old languages. The Earth's shifting magnetic fields are screwing up GPS (sort of). The U.S. government shutdown is affecting .gov web sites for an interesting reason. Pixels on your wall. Tesla says "Pwn Us". Can the police make you unlock your phone? Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh54
- TEH 053: The Mechanical Clock Enthusiast Hour - In This Episode: OK, not an hour on clocks, but some! Timepieces, new monitors, and streaming TV (oh my!) Plotters, pens, and Bandersnatch! And space is grabbing our attention lately, with Ultima Thule and the moon. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh53
- TEH 052: Ladies and Gentlemen, Voyager 2 has Left the Heliosphere - In This Episode: What does it mean that Voyager 2 has left the heliosphere? Google+ is really, really dying. So, apparently, is Tumblr. And at least the older ScanSnaps. And the Microsoft Edge browser. But GitHub becomes an official government source ...for laws?! Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh52
- TEH 051: Paper Spam: Coming to a Printer Near You? - In This Episode: The Marriott breach: should the executives go to jail? 5G (not?) coming to a phone near you. Can spammers print messages to your Internet-connected printer? (Maybe!) An unlikely iPhone scam. Advances in E-Ink. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh51
- TEH 050: Floppies in Space - In This Episode: TEH starts its second year! Landing on Mars. Son of Spectre. Hacking CPAP machines to better treat sleep apnea. Astronaut finds a cache of old floppy disks. Is Apple's App Store an (illegal) monopoly? Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh50
- TEH 049: We Deserve Better - In This Episode: Google again steps up as the Internet Police. Is Bitlocker the problem, or the solution? Fuzzbots to the rescue? Can you be arrested for remotely wiping your cell phone? (Yes!) Jump to shark, and being informed about Informed Delivery. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh49
- TEH 048: A Taxing Situation - In This Episode: Election coverage goes increasingly high tech. "Ballot selfies" are illegal in some states. Drone swarms will soon be deployed in search & rescue emergencies. The burden on small businesses having to collect sales taxes: it's going to be very complicated, and may force many out of business. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh48
- TEH 047: This Cloud Thing — We Should Do Something With That - In This Episode: IBM: trying to stay relevant? New copyright rules means you can fix your own phone, and...! The Hubble Space Telescope, no CAPTCHA in ReCAPTCHA? Bitcoin's electricity draw, and Facebook is spying on us? Say it ain't so! Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh47
- TEH 046: Start The Podcast Over, We Ruined It - New Episode: Relief from Robocalls is coming. Will your next ID be implanted? Exploring planet Mercury. Might Elon Musk tweet for ...eternity?! Media player vulnerabilities. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh46
- TEH 045: A Million Ways to Stream - In This Episode: Paul Allen, Do Millennials donate blood? PHP 5.x going away, yet millions of sites still use it. Cheap backup drives, and Winamp is coming back! Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh45
- TEH 044: The Announcer’s Test - In This Episode: We cover two definite NOT breaches of the Week: Google+ and Chinese Chips. The problematic Windows 10 October Update. Parents might want to check their local Sex Offender Registry before their kids head out on Halloween. And wait until you hear the Announcer's Test. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh44
- TEH 043: Don’t Be Evil …Forever! - In This Episode: Google dumped its "Don't Be Evil" promise years ago, but can a new idea to "decentralize the web" work, and keep its promise forever? The Facebook breach affects more than your Facebook account. Tim Berners-Lee's Inrupt project. And game streaming? Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh43
- TEH 042: You Don’t Own That - New Episode: Big changes coming to music copyrights. Google backpedals on WWW. Android turns 10. Do you answer your phone if you don't know who's calling? Scrabble is OK with EW. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh42
- TEH 041: Don’t Copyright My Loot Box - In This Episode: Update on the Brazilian State Museum fire: social media to the rescue! Another month, another new EU law: copyright -- will it affect those outside the EU? Game “Loot Boxes”: is that gambling? Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh41
- TEH 040: Something Random Floated In From Japan - In This Episode: Google is trying to "kill off" the www. (and the m.) in URLs. The Ocean Cleanup project has a huge job ahead of it. Microsoft plans to implement a "monthly charge" for Windows 7 support: but you can't have it! Plus: CRISPR. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh40
- TEH 039: Going to the Dogs - In This Episode: If Google is "fooled" by insecure network-based security, can any of us be fully confident in such devices? Digitizing museums: Can you back up history? (Yes! And we should.) Sony's new Aibo robot dog: cool, or crazy? And a working Apple I is going on auction. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh39
- TEH 038: Your Face Rings a Bell - In This Episode: Scanner OCR software may be uploading your documents to the cloud -- and showing them to anyone who knows where to look. U.S. airports are starting to get facial recognition software. Twitter has new rules for bots. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh38
- TEH 037: Listening Devices *Everywhere* - In This Episode: Routers are in the news again: how to ensure your router is as safe as possible. Do Netflix and other streaming services want you to stop sharing your password? And maybe user reviews are coming to an end: they're being gamed. Plus: Universities are starting to put Amazon Echo devices everywhere. Creepy, or useful? https://TEHpodcast.com/teh37
- TEH 036: The 3-Point Test - In This Episode: How to tell if click-bait stories are worth paying attention to. Amazon Web Services accidentally reveals GoDaddy internal "trade secret" documents. New AI finds who was overlooked by Wikipedia -- and it's mostly women. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh36
- TEH 035: Unnecessary, Mean-Spirited, and Harmful - In This Episode: Using Dropbox for backups. Is two-factor authentication too weak to use? (No!) Scores of Android apps had malware -- but it's not a problem because.... New exploit in WPA2. SpaceX launch. Google sucking up to China. And Apple blowing off affiliates. Show Notes: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh35
- TEH 034: Scotty! Beam Me Up - In This Episode: Sure, give prison inmates tablets and online access -- what could go wrong? Hacking attendees at a cybercurrency conference nets $5 million. Dropbox gets bigger. Star Trek sound effects. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh34
- TEH 033: I Am Root! - In This Episode: It doesn't have to be a "data breach" to be a real screwup, so how to protect yourself? Corgis, Coffee and Vodka, oh my! British Airways screws up the concept of privacy. Cisco screws up the concept of security. The surprising way 12 new moons of Jupiter were discovered. Satellites using ...film?! And the tech behind TEH. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh33
- TEH 032: Vienna Waits for You - In This Episode: Macy's department store chain totally flubs the Breach of the Week. Did Obama "lose" 2 million Twitter followers (nope). Gboard adds ...Morse Code input?! Man jailed for refusing to unlock his phone for cops on a traffic stop. Features being added to ...Notepad?! (Randy outgeeks Leo?!) Rumor: Photoshop is coming to iPad (but can it handle it?) Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh32
- TEH 031: What a Gas - In This Episode: Scanning junk mail, hackers get free gas, hospital pager systems expose private data, what is Plugspreading? Siri Shortcuts may bring coding back to typical users, Wikipedia protests EU copyright law proposal, U.S. Postal Service uses the wrong picture, and a surprising copyright decision the other way. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh31
- TEH 030: Virtual Pollution - In This Episode: Yes, steam engines are tech, and this week's special guest host shows her chops with them. Breach of the Week: your information can be lost even if you don't do business with a company. You won't believe who is doing closed captioning on videos. More on Github, and how did a STORK (the bird!) run up a huge phone bill?! Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh30
- TEH 029: Get Off My Lawn, Punk - In This Episode: We discuss two major tech rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court. Twitter "Smytes" a bunch of tech companies. Electric scooter wars. It's a bad idea to try stealing an Internet domain at gunpoint. The Breach of the Week was not discovered for a year. And Google wants to measure things. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh29
- TEH 028: Padlocks Need Security? - In This Episode: The advantage of being in Europe if there's a credit card breach (and there was). The world's worst $99 IoT padlock. iPhones don't tell 911 your location when you have an emergency? "Mac is Dead" (long live the Mac). Neat device help the deaf to participate in conversations. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh28
- TEH 027: Git With The Program - In This Episode: Microsoft pays a boatload of money for GitHub: will that affect open source software? We bring in a guest to talk about it. Now that Net Neutrality is officially repealed, now what? And a prediction about GDPR. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh27
- TEH 026: Please Take Your Assigned Seat - In This Episode: The FBI wants you to reboot your router — but is that enough? (The REAL story is how they know about this.) No, Amazon’s Alexa isn’t sending everything you say to others. Star Wars Solo. And countries are pushing to go cashless — but how does that affect buskers?! Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh26
- TEH 025: Help Me Obi Wan Kenobi, You’re Our Only Hope - In This Episode: Now everybody knows where you (and your kids!) are -- an extra-concerning Breach of the Week for parents. Google slapping web sites that are "Not Secure" ...even when they don't need to be. Yanni, or Laurel (and how that reflects the blue/gold dress thing a few years back). And the first Holographic cell phone isn't quite to "Princess Leah" level yet, but it's a stepping stone in that direction. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh25
- TEH 024: Everything Really Was Everywhere - In This Episode: Traveling with tech. Three Breaches of the Week. Do hobby bloggers have to comply with the EU's new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)? That's a definite ...maybe. And the dangers of car "fobs". Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh25
- TEH 023: Connect THIS, Facebook - In This Episode: Facebook helps people connect (awww!) ...including radicals like ISIS terrorists. Breach(es) of the Week involve Dasan routers, 7Zip, and Drupal-powered web sites. Verizon plans more bloatware for your phone. Apple says "Shazam!" but the EU says "Wait a minute." Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh23
- TEH 022: Mongo Only Pawn in Game of Life - In This Episode: Blue Origin successfully test-launches -- and lands -- their New Shepherd rocket and human-capable capsule. The latest Breach of the Week should have Bezop cryptocurrency investors on guard (and any site using the Mongo data base). Millions of hotel doors may be easily opened by hackers. T-Mobile buys Sprint. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh22
- TEH 021: Remote Detonator - In This Episode: Playing with PLATO. Travel technology. Scraping the S3 bucket. SmugMug smug about buying Flickr. Warranty NOT void if removed. Things not to name your WiFi hotspot. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh21
- TEH 020: Breaking Up (with Cable) is Easy to Do - In This Episode: Cutting the cable/satellite cord. Amazon plagiarism and Createspace hacking. Alexa light switches, Cribbage, and TaskRabbit (oh my!) Alert sirens are too hackable. Another free DNS service. Breaking into iPhones. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh20
- TEH 019: This is a RAID - In This Episode: Think your backups are safe because you have a big RAID drive pack? Think again. Another week, another data breach ...or five. Ransomware targets 911 centers. Renewable energy meet electric school buses. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh19
- TEH 018: Breach of the Week - In This Episode: Ready Player One! There's a good way for a company to handle a data breach, and there's a bad way -- and this week, there was an example of each. The latest in Space. And if Apple makes their own processors, will that break existing software? (There's varying opinions....) Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh18
- TEH 017: Facebook (Pro, Con, & In Between) - In This Episode: Facebook has been hit with a lot of bad press lately, and we discuss whether you should be worried about your privacy. Should you #DeleteFacebook? SpaceX and Tesla did. And new lower-cost tablets from Google (Chrome OS) and Apple (iPad). Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh17
- TEH 016: The Linux of Colleges - In This Episode: The Eero Wi-Fi home system. Self-driving Uber kills pedestrian. University of Arizona tries to determine which students may drop out. The Atari VCS console that may or may not one day exist. What Airgapping is and the scary things that could come of it. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh16
- TEH 015: From the Secret Lair - In This Episode: The four hosts get together in person to record this episode. We can't tell you where we are, but Dick Cheney was our waiter. We talked on a wide variety of subjects, from voice recorders to Net Neutrality, satellite broadband, Google wanting to expand AMP web-wide, burger-flipping robots, Facebook fading, Nonograms, adding to the Internet Archive, and more. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh15
- TEH 014: Occam and Hanlon’s Razor Fight - In This Episode: The "Sonic Attacks" on U.S. diplomats in Cuba may be solved -- and if they're right, could we be seeing more of the problem? Will a "doorbell camera" help solve the package theft problem? What's behind the revocation of tens of thousands of SSL (web site security) certificates. Nerd cruises. And Wordpress dominates. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh14
- TEH 013: The Next Scam is Already Out There - In This Episode: You can share (presumably with trusted people) your exact location, built-in with Google Maps, or with other apps. Is Google helping music pirates — and profiting from linking to them? Playboy sues a site for “copyright infringement” not because they infringed their copyright, but because they linked to a page that did. ... Read more
- TEH 012: Google, Elon Musk, Google, and Elon Musk - In This Episode: We chat about changes in Google's Chrome browser that users like, changes in Google Image Search that users hate, and Hyperloop and SpaceX and Starlink (oh my!) Plus: will postcards save Democracy from the Russians? Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh12
- TEH 011: Giant 3D TV Screens …in the Sky?! - The Falcon Heavy launch: why put a Tesla up, and the engineering of the whole thing. Google tells webmasters they "have to" make their sites secure (https) by July, or there will be trouble (and what does that mean for users?) The HQ Trivia game, and the ramifications of cheating on it. The Olympic drone squadron: where will it lead? An interesting Amazon-related scam. Show Page: https://tehpodcast.com/teh11
- TEH 010: In How Many Pieces will Falcon Heavy Land? - In This Episode: SpaceX's Falcon Heavy is scheduled for its first flight tomorrow, and attempt to soft-land all three rocket cores: will it land in three pieces, or millions? Amazon has set up some interesting tech to keep Alexa from responding when they don't want it to (and users have figured out other interesting hacks). Youtube to label propaganda items as "state-sponsored" -- and that includes PBS?! How ads work on Youtube -- and most web sites. Microsoft removes a useful backup capability from Windows. And an update on cell phone safety. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh10
- TEH 009: Skynet’s Self-Awareness is Behind Schedule - In This Episode: Will the U.S. government nationalize the 5G network? Probably not. Celebs/politicians buy Twitter followers to look more important. How to tell Google to stop showing you ads and articles that don't actually interest you. Online memes can be valuable. HomePod, and more on Spectre. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh9
- TEH 008: Go to Amazon - In This Episode: Amazon's Go store in Seattle is open to the public, and you can take stuff and walk out. Facebook is going to try crowd-sourcing its news bias. A startup called Cargo is making it possible for rideshare drivers to put little vending machines in their cars. Fire TV can be frustrating if you want to watch YouTube since Amazon and Google remain in a feud. Google develops an AI voice that sounds real. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh8
- TEH 007: The Hawaii Fiasco (and Other Expensive Things) - In This Episode: What happened in Hawaii (ballistic missiles incoming, oh my!) was more of a tech problem than human error. Changes in Facebook's news feed (again?) The "Internet Sales Tax" goes back to court. And later this year, you won't have to sign for credit card purchases anymore. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh7
- TEH 006: Having a Meltdown over Spectre - In This Episode: Scare headlines over new exploits that will result in all your passwords and credit card numbers being swiped by Bad Guys? Maybe not. Same with the password manager autofill "problem." And the headlines about how cell phones are some sort of health risk. Alexa is everywhere! And Tech that died in 2017. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh6
- TEH 005: Make Sure Your Bugs Are Current - In This Episode: Should you follow Computerworld's advice and "Make sure Windows Auto Update is turned off"? (No!) Patreon's mighty back-pedaling: is it enough damage control, and what will non-techie creators do now? The new iMac Pro: a "$13,000+ computer"? Does Bitcoin actually use as much power as all of Denmark, or is something fishy about this? And: Did Facebook really "admit" that using Facebook is "bad for you"? (Not exactly....) Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh5
- TEH 004: Say ‘Please’ to Alexa, et al. - In This Episode: Patreon changes how they charge contributors, and everyone is mad. Amazon and Google feud over Chromecast not being allowed in the Amazon store. Google serves up video answers from celebrities. Should we be nice to our digital assistants? Man creates art using Microsoft Excel as his canvas. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh4
- TEH 003: The Chatbot Will See You Now - In This Episode: The Macintosh "Root Password" problems, and the scare-tactic headlines. Why Windows isn't "about to get a game-changing feature" despite a clickbait headline. Can chatbots help deter child sex exploitation? Google's new Android app helps limit mobile data usage. And saving bits of computer history: ironically, much of it isn't digitized for archive storage. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh3
- TEH 002: You’re Being Followed - In This Episode: Why it's a bad idea to search Google to get to a web site, rather than just go to that web site. Amazon scoops up HALF of online "Black Friday" purchases -- and revealed its top sellers. We weigh in on Net Neutrality. Another week, another big web site hack revealed. Or two. Guarding against credit card skimmers: there's an app for that! Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh2
- TEH 001: I For One Welcome Our New A.I. Overlords - In This Episode: A laughable review of the new Kindle Oasis. Twitter goes 280. New “Quad9” DNS server protects against malware. Proposed ATSC 3.0 TV standard. The fragmentation of streaming for TV cord-cutters. Are kids’ smartwatches really “illegal” in Germany? And forget Mac vs. PC: the new “religious wars” may be about worshiping the right benevolent A.I. construct. Show Page: https://TEHpodcast.com/teh1