TEH 172: iPhones and satellites, cameras, Alexa poop, Speech to text and translations

In This Episode: iPhones and satellites, cameras, Alexa poop, Speech to text and translations

This week the TEH Podcast is hosted by Leo Notenboom, the “Chief Question Answerer” at Ask Leo!, and Gary Rosenzweig, the host and producer of MacMost, and mobile game developer at Clever Media.

(You’ll find longer Bios on the Hosts page.)

Top Stories

  • 1:22 GR: New iPhone stuff
    • 3:00 iPhone 14 can contact satellites: emergency use
    • 4:15 Must point at satellite, and shows you where the satellite is!
    • 5:40 How it compresses data
    • 7:55 Will be activated in November
    • 8:40 LN: Experience with regular satellite phones
    • 10:15 Free for two years with iPhone 14
    • 11:00 Interfaces with 911
    • 14:25 Always-on display
    • 16:15 48 MP camera features
    • 19:10 Car crash detection
    • 23:00 The Dynamic Island
    • 29:00 Should you get one?
    • 30:00 AirPods pro
  • 32:00 LN: In the “I’m glad I don’t have kids” department: Alexa and “poop”!
  • 37:40 LN: what I’m doing w/ my carpal tunnel. Speech to text is pretty amazing.
    • 42:50 30 years ago worked on beginning
  • 44:50 Entrapped – Original language with subtitles. Issues with English dubbed films.

Ain’t it Cool

  • 51:50 GR: The new “A League Of Their Own: on Amazon Prime
  • LN: More “nordic noir” – Entrapped, on Netflix

BSP: Blatant Self-Promotion

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