TEH 221: Comparing PCs and Macs. AI in your OS? Or AI teachers?

In This Episode: Comparing PCs and Macs. AI in your OS? Or AI teachers?

This week the TEH Podcast is hosted by Leo Notenboom, the “Chief Question Answerer” at Ask Leo!, and Gary Rosenzweig, the host and producer of MacMost, and mobile game developer at Clever Media.

(You’ll find longer Bios on the Hosts page.)

Top Stories

  • LN New Microsoft Surface “CoPilot+” PCs
    • 1:00 LN: A new AI era begins
      • Kinda meh. Playing catchup, of course, hardware wise
    • 3:30 SnapDragon CPU, not x86 (emulator, though) (Snapdragon not new)
    • Snapdragon X Series
    • 5:30 “Designed for AI”
      • NPUs for CoPilot, but only really pushing performance and AI enhanced camera (NPUs not new)
    • 7:00 So right now it’s a fine machine, but whether the CoPilot+ / AI inclusion really goes anywhere and how quickly is unclear
    • 7:40 GR: Matching the Macbook Air?
      • Comparing high end and low ends
      • 12:00 Invested in skills
      • 15:00 Mac guy using Windows skills
      • 18:00 Menu bars… where are they?
  • 21:00 LN: Why have AI in an OS anyway?
    • Move current online AI apps local. Might be faster
    • 24:00 GR: Managing settings with a smart OS
    • 28:20 ChatGPT Mac app. Sumarize screenshots
    • 32:45 CoPilot app
    • AI meeting summary is posted below.
  • 36:00 GR: Thoughts on AI in education

Ain’t it Cool

  • 47:25 LN: All Creatures Great and Small – Amazon
  • 49:20 GR: The Rook, Stiletto, Blitz by Daniel O’Malley (previously LN)

BSP: Blatant Self-Promotion

AI Meeting Summary

1:44 PM – Zoom meeting May 21 Notes

🕞 Started at 01:44 PM on 21 May, lasted 1h

Podcast Recording Process and Environment
Leo and Gary briefly talked about the rainy weather in Seattle, mentioning that it was conducive for staying indoors and recording podcasts.

Microsoft Surface PCs and Comparison with Apple Devices
The conversation shifted to Microsoft’s announcement of new Surface PCs featuring Snapdragon processors. Leo expressed concerns about compatibility with x86 software but noted that Windows 11 includes an emulator to address this issue. He highlighted improved battery life as a positive feature but emphasized the need for further evaluation before drawing conclusions on performance.

Gary compared the new Surface devices with Apple’s M3 MacBook Air, noting efforts by Microsoft to match Apple’s offerings at an affordable price point. Both speakers acknowledged ongoing competition between PC and Mac devices while emphasizing users’ investment in skills as a factor influencing platform loyalty.

User Experience with Windows and Mac Operating Systems
Leo discusses his experience transitioning between Windows and Mac, highlighting that while he has invested 30 years in understanding Windows, the transition to a MacBook Air for his wife was relatively smooth due to her focused usage. Gary shares his recent attempt at using Windows after a long time and expresses difficulty in navigating the interface, attributing it partly to skill atrophy but also acknowledging significant changes in newer versions of Windows. Leo explains how even native Windows users have faced challenges adapting to new versions due to dramatic differences in interfaces.

Gary describes his attempt at comparing menu interfaces between Mac and Windows by booting into a PC for the first time after an extended period. He expresses surprise at the changes he encountered within the interface of various applications on windows 10, particularly noting hidden menus resembling mobile app interfaces. Leo adds context by explaining that certain features like menu bars have undergone significant changes across different versions of windows.

Integration of AI with Operating Systems
The discussion shifts towards integrating artificial intelligence (AI) with operating systems such as Microsoft’s Copilot app which assists users with tasks like changing wallpaper settings through natural language queries. Both speakers contemplate potential benefits of AI integration within operating systems including simplifying access to numerous settings and enhancing user experience through voice commands or intuitive problem-solving assistance.

Gary emphasizes how AI could simplify locating specific settings within an operating system given their vast number, citing examples such as changing wallpapers or adjusting text size where AI could provide finite answers based on user requests. He draws parallels from personal experiences where Siri failed to assist him effectively when trying to resolve an issue related to directions alerts while driving.

The conversation delves into potential implications arising from localized deployment of large-scale AI applications onto individual machines including improved privacy measures along with enhanced processing speed for running complex tasks locally without relying on external servers.

Gary proposed the integration of complete AI control into operating systems, envisioning a flagship feature for Windows, Mac OS, iOS, or Android. He emphasized the potential for voice control to manipulate on-screen elements and settings without requiring specific commands. Gary expressed frustration with current limitations in voice control and highlighted the need for advancements in this area.

AI-Powered Applications and Potential Advancements
Gary discussed his attempts to access ChatGPT’s Mac app and expressed interest in its capabilities such as summarizing written content. He mentioned his desire for live feedback on writing quality but noted that the app did not meet these expectations at present.

The conversation delved into screenshotting technology as a subpar method due to its impact on image quality. Additionally, there was an exploration of potential improvements through underlying descriptors within screenshots that could provide metadata about displayed content.

Leo shared insights about using the Copilot app alongside discussions regarding its ability to summarize window contents from Microsoft Edge. This led them to consider how apps like Copilot could potentially offer context-dependent suggestions based on real-time data access.

Both speakers reflected on their optimism regarding future advancements in AI technology over the next two years while acknowledging apprehension from companies about going too far with integrating advanced features without user responsibility.

AI in Education
Gary discussed the potential of using AI in education, citing examples of using chat GPT for student-teacher interactions and its application in subjects like history, math, and science. He highlighted the importance of patience in teaching and how AI excels at this aspect. Leo added that AIs are non-judgmental, potentially making students more comfortable. They also discussed concerns about record-keeping if schools require data from AI tutors.

The participants explored the potential impact of AI on education, considering its ability to equalize learning speeds among students and potentially alleviate teacher shortages. They pondered whether human teachers would still be necessary or if they could focus on assisting students who struggle with subjects not effectively taught by AIs.

Book and TV Series Recommendations
Leo recommended the TV series “All Creatures Great and Small,” based on James Herriot’s books set between World Wars I and II. He shared his positive experience with it as a period piece featuring animals while navigating historical events during that era.

Gary expressed gratitude for Leo’s recommendation of Daniel O’Malley’s “The Rook” book series a few months ago, stating he was finishing up the third book.

Gary recommends “The Rook, Stiletto and Blitz,” a modern-day fantasy series with unique storytelling through short stories. He describes the books as lengthy but engrossing, filled with tangents that are all worth exploring. Leo expresses interest in a potential new addition to the series and mentions a TV adaptation of “The Rook” that is available for purchase on Amazon but may not entirely align with the original story.

Cloud Services, Data Backup, and Translation Tools
Leo shares an article titled “Use the cloud, but don’t rely on the cloud,” cautioning against over-reliance on cloud services for data storage due to potential risks such as account loss or provider issues. He emphasizes the importance of backing up data rather than solely relying on cloud storage.

Gary highlights two videos demonstrating system-wide translation tools available on Mac and iPhone, enabling users to translate text both in reading and writing without depending on specific apps. The discussion touches upon the quality of translations, considerations when communicating in foreign languages, and Apple’s potential adoption of AI-based translation systems.

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