In This Episode: The tech world quickly upgrades to online ordering for pickup, free education and every kind of human connection. We now have talk shows without audiences to neighborhood howling.
In This Episode: We talk about changing names, sharing on a Mac (or is that Sharon?), connection software, digital sharing in a time of quarantine, and copyright issues that arise.
In This Episode: Helping local businesses by frequenting restaurant takeout. How technology is keeping people in touch – with a thanks for recent increases in bandwidth! Teaching aids, good flix, and let yourself be seen.
In This Episode: A health crises we can fix, how technology opens up a window into life with the Corona virus, and contemplating how much dirty stuff we touch.
In This Episode: Leo speaks from the epicenter of the Corona virus outbreak and Gary tries to figure out how to archive old games that won’t play without flash… and finally, bye bye Mr. Robot.
In This Episode: Using software to transcribe audios and look at photos; what might be coming out of your doorbell — and how many Bibles are in “huge”?
In This Episode: How social media is managing miss-information online during an election year, managing the privacy of your credit card number, easy listening to podcasts, ways to watch ApppleTV and more.