TEH 054: Level Up Your Battlestation

In This Episode: New computers, and old languages. The Earth’s shifting magnetic fields are screwing up GPS (sort of). The U.S. government shutdown is affecting .gov web sites for an interesting reason. Pixels on your wall. Tesla says “Pwn Us”. Can the police make you unlock your phone?

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TEH 053: The Mechanical Clock Enthusiast Hour

In This Episode: OK, not an hour on clocks, but some! Timepieces, new monitors, and streaming TV (oh my!) Plotters, pens, and Bandersnatch! And space is grabbing our attention lately, with Ultima Thule and the moon.

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TEH 052: Ladies and Gentlemen, Voyager 2 has Left the Heliosphere

In This Episode: What does it mean that Voyager 2 has left the heliosphere? Google+ is really, really dying. So, apparently, is Tumblr. And at least the older ScanSnaps. And the Microsoft Edge browser. But GitHub becomes an official government source …for laws?!

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TEH 051: Paper Spam: Coming to a Printer Near You?

In This Episode: The Marriott breach: should the executives go to jail? 5G (not?) coming to a phone near you. Can spammers print messages to your Internet-connected printer? (Maybe!) An unlikely iPhone scam. Advances in E-Ink.

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TEH 050: Floppies in Space

In This Episode: TEH starts its second year! Landing on Mars. Son of Spectre. Hacking CPAP machines to better treat sleep apnea. Astronaut finds a cache of old floppy disks. Is Apple’s App Store an (illegal) monopoly?

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TEH 049: We Deserve Better

In This Episode: Google again steps up as the Internet Police. Is Bitlocker the problem, or the solution? Fuzzbots to the rescue? Can you be arrested for remotely wiping your cell phone? (Yes!) Jump to shark, and being informed about Informed Delivery.

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TEH 048: A Taxing Situation

In This Episode: Election coverage goes increasingly high tech. “Ballot selfies” are illegal in some states. Drone swarms will soon be deployed in search & rescue emergencies. The burden on small businesses having to collect sales taxes: it’s going to be very complicated, and may force many out of business.

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TEH 047: This Cloud Thing — We Should Do Something With That

In This Episode: IBM: trying to stay relevant? New copyright rules means you can fix your own phone, and…! The Hubble Space Telescope. No CAPTCHA in ReCAPTCHA? Bitcoin’s electricity draw, and Facebook is spying on us? Say it ain’t so!

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TEH 046: Start The Podcast Over, We Ruined It

In This Episode: Relief from Robocalls is coming. Will your next ID be implanted? Exploring planet Mercury. Might Elon Musk tweet for …eternity?! Media player vulnerabilities.

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TEH 045: A Million Ways to Stream

In This Episode: Paul Allen, Do Millennials donate blood? PHP 5.x going away, yet millions of sites still use it. Cheap backup drives, and Winamp is coming back!

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